Tolling Information for 2022
Recent inflation increase tolls by 10c across motorway tolling operations. There are 8 toll roads where Motor Car tolls will increase in 2022. For these roads, it will have been the first increase in Motor Car tolls in 9 years, i.e. since 2013.
The increase in 2022 toll charges is driven by inflation. The 2022 toll charges have been calculated based on the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) as of August 2021. The 2013 toll charges were calculated based on CPI as at August 2012.
The increase in inflation over the 9-year period from August 2012 to August 2021 was 4.3%, of which 2.9% related to inflation between August 2020 and August 2021.
Toll Bye-Laws set out the basis for calculating Maximum Tolls each year. Each toll road has its own Toll Bye-Laws. TII calculates the Maximum Tolls for Dublin Tunnel and the M50, and decides the actual tolls that should apply. The PPP companies calculate the Maximum Tolls for the 8 PPP concession schemes and propose the actual tolls that should apply. TII reviews and agrees the PPP toll charges. The actual tolls charged cannot exceed the Maximum Tolls calculated on any toll road.
The response to specific queries raised are set out below:
The toll charge profiles by vehicle category since 2013 are shown in Table 1 (8 PPP concessions) and Table 2 (Dublin Tunnel and M50). Toll increases are highlighted in yellow. The increase in Motor Car toll charges in 2022 can be summarised as follows:
- Tolls will increase by 10 cents on 7 of the 8 PPP concession schemes – from €2.90 to €3.00 (M4) and from €1.90 to €2.00 (M1, N6, M7/M8, N8, N25 Waterford, Limerick Tunnel).
- Tolls will not increase for cars on the M3 in 2022 .
- Tolls have not changed on Dublin Tunnel since 2010 - and will remain at €10 (peak hours) and €3 (all other times).
- Tolls on the M50 will not increase for ‘On Board Unit Registered Vehicles’ but will increase by 10 cents for ‘Video Account Registered Vehicles’ (from €2.60 to €2.70) and ‘Other Vehicles’ (from €3.10 to €3.20). As can be seen from Tables 1 and 2, there will be increases across most other category of vehicles as well as Motor Cars in 2022.
1. How long since last increase?
There are 8 toll roads where Motor Car tolls will increase in 2022. For these roads, this will have been the first increase in Motor Car tolls in 9 years, i.e. since 2013.
2. Why now?
The increase in 2022 toll charges is driven by inflation. The 2022 toll charges have been calculated based on the Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) as at August 2021. The 2013 toll charges were calculated based on CPI as at August 2012. The increase in inflation over the 9-year period from August 2012 to August 2021 was 4.3%, of which 2.9% related to inflation between August 2020 and August 2021.
3. How is it calculated?
The 2022 Maximum Tolls are calculated for each road (by vehicle category) in accordance with the individual toll road Bye-Laws. Base Tolls (by vehicle category) are set out in the Bye-Laws together with a baseline CPI (the “Opening Index”). The Base Tolls are inflated by a CPI indexation factor (i.e. CPIAugust 2021/CPIOpening Index). The applicable VAT rate is then added and the toll rounded (to the nearest 10 cents in the case of PPP concessions and the M50, and to 50 cents in the case of Dublin Tunnel). This establishes the Maximum Toll for each vehicle category. The actual tolls charged cannot be higher than the Maximum Tolls calculated. VAT is not applicable on the M50 or Dublin Tunnel tolls.
Table 1 Toll Charge Profile for PPP Concession Schemes

Table 2 M50 eFlow Maximum Tolls/Applicable Tolls