Safety and Inclusion

Travelling in a Woman’s Shoes – a study to understand needs and travel behaviours of women
Ubipix – cloud-based app to enhance road safety inspections. Park and Share – park and share facilities on the motorway network to improve safety at junctions.
Park and Share – park and share facilities on the motorway network to improve safety at junctions.
Motorway Operations Control Centre - real-time monitoring of the motorway network, Dublin and Jack Lynch Tunnels.
The Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade Scheme - project to enhance transportation infrastructure and connectivity in Cork, alleviating congestion, improving safety, and streamlining traffic flow for the region's residents and businesses.
eMOS – enhancing Motorway Operation Services (eMOS) programme to help keep the M50 safe, resilient and sustainable.
All Aboard: Accessibility Podcast - A platform for designers, advocated researchers to share their insights on accessibility, public transport, enriched by the stories and lived experiences of people with disabilities, their family members and carers.