
TII Sustainability Implementation Plan – six key sustainability principles that focus on key priority areas for the sustainable development agenda within TII and reflect organisational ambitions and the future TII envisions delivering.
Environmental Research – post EIA evaluation research projects as part of TII’s ongoing Research Strategy.
Climate Action Roadmap – TII’s plans to reduce emissions and meet decarbonisation and energy efficiency targets.
Construction Guidelines – guidance documents that include approaches to minimise impacts on badgers, bats, watercourse crossings and wetland archaeology prior to and during the construction phase of national road schemes.
Road Pavements – Bituminous Materials – standard update to incorporate 70% of reused content into roads.
Biodiversity Plan – TII’s plan to contribute to the recovery of biodiversity at a local and national level.
eMOS – enhancing Motorway Operation Services (eMOS) programme to help keep the M50 safe, resilient and sustainable.
IAPDM - Irish Analytical Pavement Design Method.
Park and Share – park and share facilities on the motorway network to improve safety at junctions.
TII Circular Economy Strategy 2023-2025 – to support TII in achieving national carbon reduction targets.