Network Management & Traffic Control
The Motorway Traffic Control Centre (MTCC), located in the Dublin Tunnel Control Building, is where we manage our network and coordinate traffic control facilities.
Motorway Traffic Control Centre
The Control Centre is responsible for monitoring and managing over 65 million vehicle journeys per annum. It allows for the safe and efficient management of the national roads network and Ireland’s tunnels. The centre operates several services, including,
- Advanced traffic management systems
- Electronic messages to motorists
- Emergency Roadside Telephone network
- Roadworks scheduling
- Incident management
It is also designed to accommodate the upgrade and transformation of the entire national roads network operation including,
- CCTV Cameras
- TII fibre communications network
Intelligent Transport Systems
We use Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology and equipment on our network to help run our services. These advanced applications, enable road users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated and ‘smarter’ use of transport networks. This equipment includes:
- Traffic Monitoring Units (TMU)
- Loop detectors
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition systems (ANPR)
- Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
- Variable Message Signs (VMS)
- Emergency Roadside Telephones (ERT)
- Fibre and wireless communications
- Power supplies
- Associated civil infrastructure
Emergency Roadside Telephones
Emergency Roadside Telephones (ERT), are solar power phones provided on our network for making calls to emergency services.
They often placed in an area of special danger or where it is likely that there will only be a need to make emergency calls.
There are nearly 1,400 ERTS installed on all major routes, 1.6km apart. They are manned 24 hours a days, 365 days a year from the Motorway Traffic Control Centre.
Motorway Incident Line
This dedicated motorway incident line offers assistance to motorway users in difficulty. Call 0818-715-100 Email

Travel Time Information
Our Variable Message Signs are used to help manage traffic and keep drivers better informed across the Irish road network.
Located on various sections of the motorway network they offer information such as:
- Real Time Journey Information
- Active Traffic Management of unplanned events and incidents
- Weather events
- Management of planned events
- Road works
- Major national events
- Safety campaigns
Visit TII Traffic our travel time information website.
Intelligent Street Lighting
TII currently designs and manages a number of Intelligent Street Lighting pilot schemes located throughout Ireland. These focus on central management systems, energy efficient lighting, wind energy generation and a range of innovative communication technologies.
In general these systems offer the following functions:
- Remote monitoring, lamp dimming, and control of lighting assets.
- Programmable road light levels to adjust to live traffic volumes.
- Switching/dimming functions can be carried out as part of a remote monitoring system or by installing programmable ballasts into lanterns to operate stepped dimming at pre-set times.
- Can be used as a form of data metering.
- Record lamp burning hours to help anticipate future lamp failures.
- Log and report lamp failures, lamp behaviour, faults and energy consumption.
- Can incorporate a Geographical Information System (GIS) feature as part of a Central or Asset Management System.
EU Co-Financing
ITS activities have been at least partially supported by the EasyWay Project and co-funded by the European Commission.