TII Innovation
Innovation is one of the core values of TII’s Statement of Strategy 2021-2025 - TII seeks to create value relevant to its purpose through the application of new and better solutions. TII’s Innovation Strategy is coming soon.
Innovation is the ideation and implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service) or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations.
Click on the ‘TII’s Key Challenges’ icons below for the memory bank of TII innovative projects which have addressed the Key Challenges to date.
TII engages and collaborates to support the delivery of its Strategy and to address Key Challenges. Stakeholders are invited to submit their ideas under the ‘Share your ideas’ link below.
Further background information such as TII’s Guidelines for the Implementation of Innovation are available at the links below.

TII Innovation Strategy
TII’s Innovation Strategy sets out TII’s aims, ambitions and approach to innovation. Coming soon.

TII memory bank of innovative projects
A collection of TII projects that involved innovative solutions.
Also in this section